Greetings!!! Happy Valentine...
Hello... guys and girls. February is a valentine month and should have a lot of romance to share. But than I am a bachelor and too little and shine to share about this. As the slogan of my blog is WE SHARE AND WE LEARN I think it is no harm to talk about this topic although I only can talk on the surface but not deep inside.
Surrounding me there are lots of couples which I would said some are live happilly and some are strugglling in their relationship. A very good example I want to quote is Acer Director, sorry I can't remember his name. Until today he still holding his wife hand in front of the public at their golden age. How many couples can still hold their wife hand after married for 30 years? In fact in our society especially in our oriental culture we are too stingy to do that. Some we even can see a husband keep a distance with his wife!
I just want to quote what Henry Ford said: Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, woking together IN RELATIONSHIP is success. It is not easy for macthing a Mr/Ms right person in this world . Just imagine the world population is about 6 billions. The probability of comes together is actually very slim. When come to keep together I think the challenges are more. We all are come from different background and brought up in a different way. Everyone is unique. Sometime we might see things at different angle. Therefore the last said that working together is a success. I think this applied to any field. We must have a clear direction and we have to work towards our goals. Nothing is easy but than nothing is impossible. I would said a happy couple life is achievable if both can work together and have a common interests in life.
I hereby put in some values which I think are essential in a happy couple life:-
1. Be Lovable and Care - We are human. We can feel how much the person care and love about us. There is a book said that Women form Venus (water) and men from Mars (fire). Women is made of water and they tend to talk more words than a men in a
single day. A women is just need a person to care about her and listen to her. Just give her more courages and love. But not necessary solutions. And a men just needs thier half to be understanding and considerate. Be caring, forgiving and laudatory. Men don't be too stingy to praise your love one. It's work!
2. Communication - As I said women is just need a person to talk to and men should be patient of that. Many issues and misunderstandings can be solve if the couple can sit down and talk it over the issue. Be sincere, open to each other will overcomes the obstacles. I strongly believe a sincere, quality and open conversation will improve the relationship of a couple.
3. Be positive - Problem is there to be solved. In life we shouldn't be pessimist. We must be optimist. If you think positively eventually the result will turns positive or if we are negative the result will definitelty negative. Some how rather I would said women has a tendency to think too much. A couple should have faith and confidence to each other. GOD is fair. If we are good eventually HE will lead us to the best solution. Just pray to HIM. You will realize the power of pray is beyond your expectation.
4. Wealth Management - Money is not everything but everything needs money. Today we are living in the commercial world we are actually have countless ways to spend money. Materials temptation!! But we have limited incomes. Therefore we should know what is our NEEDS and WANTS. But of couse sometime we need to reward ourselve but then we should know our budget. Save some for the rainny days and sounds financially secured.
5. Sex - Do not marry because of SEX! This is what my blogger friend told me. In one in another way I am agreed with his statement because the responsibilities and commitments towards the family is more important. But it is essential to have joyful sex life in the couple life. Be alert!!! Temptation is everywhere.
Life is short but then life is interesting and full of joys. I wish you all have a happy valentine day.
Enjoy reading!!!